My next review will be on The Taker by Alma Katsu. The book is fifty chapters long (422 pages) and is organized in four parts. I did buy the novel on the nook so it was a bit more affordable compared to other prices in regular book stores, about $8 is how much I paid.
Until Next Time…
I post reviews once or twice a month and updates/sidebars every Friday. For business inquiries please email me at

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Update #26
Right now I’m looking at either reading The Taker by Alma Katsu or Fated written by Alyson Noël
Until Next Time…
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Update #25
Deciding on what books to do my next review on, I’ll update on which few I’m picking from.
Until Next Time…
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Daughters of the Moon; Goddess of the Night by Lynn Ewing
Daughters of the Moon; Goddess of the Night by Lynn Ewing
““Maggie smiled. “ When Pandora’s Box was opened, countless evils and sorrows were released into the world. But one last thing to leave the box was hope, the sole comfort for the people during misfortune. Only Selene, the goddess of the moon, saw the demonic creature lurking nearby, sent by the Atrox to devour hope. She took pity on Earth dwellers and gave her Daughters, like guardian angels, to fight the Atrox and perpetuate hope. That is why you are here, Vanessa, to keep hope alive.”
“By stopping the Atrox, of course.”
“I’m going to fight the Atrox.”…
“What happens if the Atrox wins?”
“The end of the world as we know it.””
Vanessa rushes home, prepared to tell her mother the truth about herself but decides not to at the very last minute. She sits on the porch and suddenly her molecules are whisked away by the wind, she makes it all the way to Planet Bang were she finally is able to pull her molecules together, landing on the floor, hard. She wakes up to music around her and realizes she’s inside Planet Bang. She bumps into Stanton and she sees the presence of the Atrox in his eyes as well as his friends, they try to grab her but she makes it out of the club only to run into Michael who accuses her of lying and cheating on him with Stanton, giving Vanessa no room to explain what really happened. The next morning, Vanessa woke up to Michael at the front door. He apologized for what he had said the night before, drawing his own conclusion that Vanessa must have been walking around looking for Catty. Vanessa’s mother had overheard their conversation. Apparently she didn’t know her daughter’s friend was missing. (A.N: Weird. You would think she would have heard on the news, the newspaper or even people talking around town?) They decided to take the cars and search for Catty around town; Vanessa with Michael and Vanessa’s mother in her own car. Michael and Vanessa walked the streets of Hollywood and checked the homeless shelters but to no avail. Michael had kissed Vanessa only to have her run away, trying to hide her dissolving arm.
“…I don’t want a girlfriend who runs away from me every time I try to kiss her. All I wanted to do was hold your hand. Maybe you don’t like me the way I like you. It’s okay. We can be friends if that’s all you want.”
That evening Vanessa lets her molecules separate, floating out of her bedroom window, over the city and finally lands near the Hollywood Bowl. There, she catches Stanton watching her from behind. He admits that he is a follower of the Atrox and he has Catty. They make arrangements to meet two hours before dawn next Saturday where Stanton will take her to her. After Stanton vanishes, she finds Morgan on the floor almost paralyzed. ““something’s wrong,” Morgan finally said when she stopped crying, “I feel…so….empty.”” Vanessa takes Morgan to her home where she has Maggie come and help cure Morgan. Vanessa tells Maggie about the arrangement she discussed with Stanton but Maggie makes her promise not to go, for it’s a trap to turn her into a follower of the Atrox. Vanessa agreed but that Saturday, dressed in a goddess like fashion, she leaves with Stanton. Finally they arrived at a warehouse like club but just as Maggie had predicted, it was a trap. Instead of trading her powers in exchange for Catty, the four followers tried to grab Vanessa. She dodged their hands and she managed to grab Catty, making both of their molecules separate and glide toward the exit. Vanessa loses her concentration and they became dense, falling to the ground and carried back to the followers. Serena and Jimena show up and use the moon amulets to direct the strobe lights to their eyes. The four girls rush out of the building and drove to Maggie’s apartment. Instead of being angry at Vanessa for disobeying her orders, Maggie smiled, telling her it had been a test, to see if she was willing to risk everything to do what was right. She had passed. The book ends with Vanessa walking over to Michaels the next evening and explained she has something happening in her life and she might not stop acting the way she has been because that’s just the she is. Michael ends up smiling and asked her if she wants to go to Planet Bang with him Tuesday night. She answers yes quickly and without a second thought. As she walked, the crescent moon raised. She let her molecules separate and flow over the city,
“…She could stay invisible forever. She didn’t completely understand her power, but she was beginning to understand who she was. Goddess, she thought, and her molecules formed a smile before she rode the breeze with arc-shaped leaps, like a dolphin, up and down towards home.”
Goddess of the Night by Lynn Ewing was definitely a book that held my attention. I could tell this was probably aimed to more of a younger teen group with the simplicity of the story. Ms. Ewing could have put more creativity in how the moon amulets were used and give them a more unique name other than “moon amulet”. I was surprised at the length of the piece. I expected it to be more than 142 pages but it is difficult to tell how long any book is if it’s on an electronic device like my Nook. All in all I would like to read the other books and I would recommend this piece to anyone who like the simplistic portion and does not mind some cheesy words/”actions”. 7/10
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