The Black Spaniard takes place mostly in Vienna, Austria and immerses you in the 18th and 19th century. This historical fiction introduces Luis van Beethoven, a young, dark-skinned, talented pianist who struggles with not only his own genius but living in a white man's world. The story stays true to Ludwig van Beethoven's slow deterioration of his hearing and this novel takes you into the mind of a gifted musician who slowly loses the ability to hear the one thing he loves the most. Many well-known individuals made an appearance and it was interesting to see how Luis interacted with them throughout the book. The dialog in these pages perfectly fit into the time this story takes place and the musical terminology, impeccable. The Black Spaniard is a wonderful twist to a fiction based on history and the imagery was great. There was one section that stood out to me and I absolutely loved it.
"His self-confidence, already high, had shot through the roof, and there was no more holding him back than trying to stuff the wild unruly spirits back into Pandora's treasure chest. There was no thought for tomorrow, and no regard for yesterday."
The Black Spaniard, though fiction, gives a unique insight into one of the most influential people in the Western art music; leading the way from the Classical to the Romantic era.
Until Next Time...
-Fiction Book Reviewer
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