

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Host

 “The Host”
By Stephenie Meyer

“The Host” opens up with the Healer operating on a young adult host, Melanie. Gently guiding the silver ribbon-like soul into the small incision he had made on the back of the neck of the woman. The healer, Fords Deep Waters, is concerned and hopes that the soul, Wanderer is strong enough to deal with the extremely vivid emotions and find what the Seekers are looking for…..the other few wild humans. As the book moves on in the first couple chapters, we find that Wanderer feels sorry for the humans and is conflicted about having to share her mind and body with a very present Melanie. The Seeker is pushing wanderer to push past the mental walls that Melanie puts up in order to protect her loved ones. Wanderer grows aggravated until one night, Melanie lets a barrier down and Wanderer has one memory in a dream that will cause her to grow silent when the Seeker comes back with more questions. Jared. Melanie’s boyfriend who she met on a night when she went scouting for food for herself and her brother. One day, Wanderer decides to tell the Seeker about Jared but as her feelings toward Jared grow more and more with each passing memory that makes it past Melanie’s wall, she stops talking. The Seeker grows suspicious that perhaps Melanie is still present within the body. Melanie persuades Wanderer to go and try to locate the hideout were her loved ones and other wild humans are, in hopes of trying to let them know that humans can still survive while the alien soul has taken over the body. Easier said than done. After car troubles, they’re forced to walk, hoping to find their destination. Sun burnt, starved, parched and half blistered; Jeb (Melanie’s Uncle) spots them. Jeb is kind to Wanderer but the groups of guys accompanying him are the opposite. Blind folding Wanderer, they take her to the long awaited safe house. Melanie tells Wanderer not to say anything about Melanie’s survival because they’ll think Wanderer is trying to save herself which will push them farther away. Melanie and Wanderer see Jared for the first time in months only to have him hit her in the face….damn. Melanie’s little brother on the other hand is more inviting and is the first to be told by Wanderer that Melanie is still alive. As the story pushes forward, Wanderer is “re-named” Wanda for short, a young man, Ian falls in love with Wanda and finally Melanie and Wanda decide to tell everyone that Melanie is still alive. Shocking everyone and especially Jared. As a result, Wanda helps them with a way to safely take the souls out with harming either one of the living beings. Groups of wild humans catch wind of this and one by one, the souls are sent back to the closest planets. Other souls who want to stay, inhabit the humans that did not survive the initial invasion. When it comes to wanderers turn, she asks the Doctor to let her soul die when she is removed from Melanie’s body. Against Ian, Jeb, the Doctor, and Jamie’s (Melanie’s little brother) protest, she is put under as the last words are traded between Melanie and Wanderer,

“Thank you, Wanda. My sister. I will never forget you.”

“Be happy Mel. Enjoy it all. Appreciate it for me.”

“I will” she promised.

“Bye,” we thought together.

The next chapter, Wanda is confused about the memories she suddenly gets. She finds herself opening her eyes. The doctor reveals to her that the host she had taken hadn’t survived the invasion of the last soul. It was just her. After some convincing and kisses from Ian, Wanderer made her decision.

“I will stay,” I agreed.

The final chapter of The Host; Wanda, Ian, Jared, Melanie and two others go on raid for supplies. They soon ran into other people who they thought were Seekers but happened to just be other humans. They too had a soul in a host body.

Looks like I’m not the only one who’s gone native.”….

“It’s a strange world,” I murmured, more to myself than to the other native soul.

“The strangest,” he agreed.

This novel was well written but reminded me of the Twilight saga quite a few times. I loved the plot and the creative characters although I think Stephenie could have come up with more interesting names for the Healers, Seekers, and a few others. If simplicity was apart of the souls “culture” maybe she should have made that more prominent. Over all, I love how the Author portrays the inner struggle especially when Melanie was upset when Wanderer kissed Jared and STILL upset if she kissed Ian. I loved when Wanderer told her how confusing Melanie was being about the situation. I’m a sap for love stories and this book was two love stories wrapped in one. Definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes love stories, aliens and doesn’t mind a few similarities to the Twilight saga. 8/10 

Until Next Time...

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